How to prepare your home for a pet cat or bird

Malaika FernandesJuly 31, 202413 min
A gray and black patterned cat with yellow eyes looks out of the window. Image by wirestock on Freepik

While bringing a new pet into your household can be an exciting and rewarding experience, you need to prepare carefully to ensure a smooth transition for yourself as well as your new companion. Whether you are adopting a cat or a bird, setting up a safe and comfortable environment is crucial for their well-being. Here is a comprehensive guide on how to prepare your home for these popular pets.

Preparing for a Cat

Cats are known for their independent yet affectionate nature. Here are some steps to help your feline friend settle in comfortably.

Create a Safe Space
  • Designate a Quiet Room: Before bringing your cat home, set up a quiet room where the animal can adjust to its new surroundings. This space should be away from loud noises and high traffic areas (meaning places where there is not much human intrusion).
  • Provide Essentials: Equip the room with a litter box, food and water dishes, a cozy bed, and some toys. Ensure the litter box is placed in a private yet accessible spot. Also ensure that the water bowl is placed far away from not just the litter tray but the food bowl as well.
Cat-proof Your Home
  • Remove Hazards: Cats are curious creatures. Remove any plants that are toxic to cats, secure loose wires, and ensure that small objects are out of reach to prevent choking.
  • Secure Windows and Balconies: Install screens or safety nets to prevent your cat falling out of windows or balconies. Ensure all windows and doors are securely closed to prevent escapes.
Set Up Vertical Spaces
  • Install Cat Trees or Shelves: Cats love to climb and observe their environment from a height. Installing cat trees or shelves provides them with the vertical space they crave and keeps them entertained.
Provide Enrichment and Play
  • Toys and Scratching Posts: Offer a variety of toys and scratching posts to keep your cat mentally stimulated and physically active. This helps to prevent destructive behaviour and satisfies their natural instincts.
Introduce Gradually
  • Introduce Slowly: Allow your cat to explore its new environment at its own pace. Gradually introduce it to other areas of the house once it feels comfortable in its designated space and is litter trained.
  • Meet Family Members: Introduce your cat to family members one at a time to prevent overwhelming it. Allow the cat to approach and sniff each person on its own terms.
Preparing for a Bird

Birds are social and intelligent creatures that thrive in engaging environments. Here’s how to prepare your home for a feathered friend:

Choose the Right Cage
  • Size and Location: Select a cage that provides ample space for the bird to move around and spread its wings. Place the cage in a well-lit area away from direct sunlight and drafts.
  • Bar Spacing: Ensure the spacing of the bars is appropriate for your bird’s size to prevent escape or injury.
Bird-proof Your Home
  • Remove Toxic Substances: Birds are sensitive to fumes and chemicals. Avoid using non-stick cookware, aerosols, strong cleaning products, and scented candles.
  • Secure Windows and Doors: Install screens or close windows and doors when your bird is out of its cage to prevent escapes.
Provide Enrichment and Stimulation
  • Toys and Perches: Provide a variety of toys and perches of different textures and sizes to keep your bird mentally and physically engaged. Rotate toys regularly to maintain interest.
  • Foraging Opportunities: Birds enjoy foraging for food. Use puzzle feeders or hide treats around the cage to encourage natural foraging behaviour.
Allow Social Interaction
  • Time and Attention: Birds are social animals that require daily interaction and mental stimulation. Spend time talking to, playing with, and training your bird to foster a strong bond.
  • Introduce Gradually: Allow your bird to be acclimatized to its new environment before introducing it to new people or other pets. It would be advisable to ensure that dogs and, in particular, cats are kept away from the bird room at all times.
Focus on Dietary Needs
  • Balanced Diet: Provide a balanced diet consisting of pellets, five different fresh fruits, and vegetables on a daily basis. A seed diet only would lead to a fatty liver and other health issues. Avoid feeding peanuts to your birds as they can cause a fungal infection in their air sacs which can prove fatal. Sunflower seeds must be given sparingly to birds that get enough opportunities to take flight within the home. Research your specific bird species to ensure you give it the right nutrients.
  • Fresh Water: Ensure fresh water is always available, and clean food and water dishes regularly to prevent bacterial growth.
General Tips for Cats and Birds
Research and Preparation
  • Learn About Your Pet: Each species and breed has its own needs. Research your new pet’s specific requirements to provide the best care.
  • Consult Professionals: Seek advice from veterinarians and pet-care professionals to ensure you are prepared for your new pet’s arrival.
Regular Veterinary Care
  • Health Checks: Schedule a veterinary appointment soon after bringing your pet home to ensure it is healthy and up-to-date on vaccinations. In case of a bird, look for an avian veterinary doctor for health care.
  • Preventive Care: Regular check-ups and preventive care are essential to ensure your pet’s health and well-being.
Patience and Understanding
  • Adjustment Period: Be patient as your new pet adjusts to its new home. Provide consistent care and attention to help it feel secure and loved.
  • Observe Behaviour: Pay attention to your pet’s behaviour and body language to understand its needs and preferences better.

Bringing a cat or a bird into your home can be a joyous and fulfilling experience. If you prepare your home thoughtfully and provide a safe, enriching environment, you can ensure a smooth transition for your new pet. Remember that patience, understanding, and commitment to their well-being are key to building a strong bond with your new companion.

Also Read: Getting ready to welcome your new pet dog home

Have a question or suggestion for Malaika? Send an email to She will try and answer it in her forthcoming columns.

Caution: Information in news reports, press releases, or articles on is not intended to serve as a medical opinion or advice. Do not attempt to treat yourself or your pets without consulting the appropriate medical professional.

Malaika Fernandes

Malaika Fernandes is a canine behaviour consultant, animal communicator, and founder at Princely Paws, a company that holds dog training, behaviour, and animal communication consultations and workshops globally.

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