World Rhino Day: Powerful beast still faces existential threat

Saturday was World Rhino Day. The rhinoceros, a powerful, majestic creature that is found in parts of southern Asia and Africa, is still threatened with extinction, impacting the stability of the five keystone species that play a crucial role in keeping our ecosystem and environment safe, according to a press release from luxury watchmaker Hublot, sponsor of Save Our Rhinos Africa and India, or SORAI, founded by former international cricketer Kevin Pietersen in 2018. According...

Charity calls for end to profit-driven wildlife farms

An estimated 5.5 billion wild animals—yes, that’s right—are being kept in cruel conditions on commercial wildlife farms, according to British charity World Animal Protection. Published on March 4, the charity’s Bred for Profit: The Truth About Global Wildlife Farming Report reveals the scale of this exploitative industry in which billions of wild animals are bred to be traded as pets, used for entertainment or tourist attractions, and turned into ornaments, luxury food, fashion products, or ‘traditional...