Animal Pictures of the Day: Oxpeckers on a buffalo’s back

Presenting a collection of eye-catching animal pictures from around the world. Watch this space daily! Also, do you have animal pictures that you shot and would like to share with a wider audience? Connect with us at For more Photogallery Watch out.     Check out more pictures here: Picture of the Day Have arresting animal pictures, whether of pets, wildlife, or animals at a farm or zoo, that you took yourself and would...

20 critically endangered vultures bred in captivity ready for release in tiger reserves

Twenty critically endangered vultures—10 long-billed, the rest white-rumped—bred in captivity at a conservation facility in Haryana are set to be released into the wild at two tiger reserves in Maharashtra, the website reported. “This is the first such release of captive-bred, critically endangered vultures in Maharashtra,” the report quoted Kishor Rithe, director, Bombay Natural History Society, as saying. “We brought 20 birds from the Vulture Conservation Breeding and Research Centre at Pinjore, Haryana, early...